Wednesday, October 3, 2012

2 Years of Blogging Bliss

Two years ago I started a blog. Two years ago I was excited, inspired and to be honest, slightly concerned about what I was even going to write about to keep up with a blog. Today I'm laughing at myself because I clearly have plenty to say.

I may not always have something brilliant to say. I may never have a huge following. Sometimes I over share and sometimes I don't know exactly what to say so I just write until it makes sense to me. Sometimes I inspire and other times I make you shake your head in disapproval. Sometimes life happens and it's hard for me to be "Little Miss Sunshine." Other times I might shine too brightly with my positivity. But I can promise you that I'm always true to myself. Having this outlet where I can be me and say what I say has been such a good thing for me.

In honor of reflecting and celebrating 2 years, today I just want to share a few of my favorite posts. Is it vain to say I have favorite posts of my own? I sure hope not because here I go...

Date a Girl
Think of this as a really long personal ad....actually, don't. This post was inspired by a wonderful blog post my mother sent to me called Date a Girl Who Reads. To be honest, I really liked the style and thought it might be fun to write one about myself.

"But My 'Why Not Me?' Philosophy Began..."
This is when I realized that I am a "Yes Girl." Instead of saying "I don't sing karaoke," "I won't try online dating," "I can't do that," I started saying "Why not me?"

25 Things at 25
Birthday posts are always fun and I started the tradition of doing a list for each birthday. This post was basically 25 things I'd learned in my 25 years. I loved writing this one.

The Dos & Don'ts of Online Dating
I'm always entertained by any post in which I attempt to offer advice. This was especially exciting because eHarmony tweeted the link to their Twitter followers and posted it on their Facebook page. I was so excited about this!

Valentine's Day Recap 2 Weeks Later
I've written about my fair share of dating stories on this here blog, but this one takes the cake as the most entertaining in my book. This was a downright nightmare of a date, but I can at least find humor in an awkward situation like this one.

26th Birthday Bucket List 
I warned you; I really love these posts. This was so much to write and to attempt to cross everything off the list!

28 Days of Thanks: Mission Accomplished!
I went on a mission to take time out of each day and send/give a thank you note to one person in my life each day for 28 days. This is the recap and just looking back makes me want to send a few thank you notes this week!

Whether you are new here or you've been following along from Day 1, thank you for reading along. Knowing that people out there appreciate anything I'm writing means a lot to me.