Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

I really love this linkup. It's at the point in the week where I am ready for the weekend, where I start to wonder if I really have gone crazy...and seeing everyone's "It's okay" posts makes me realize I am at least not alone in my quirkiness. So here goes!

It's okay to be overly emotional about the fact that my child is turning one-year-old today. I can't stop looking at pictures from when I first took Blake home and remembering how tiny he was. I might shed a few tears at some point...and that is okay.

On that note, it's okay to have a full-fledged birthday celebration planned for him. We'll be celebrating with The Dog Whisperer at his house with his roommate, his dog and my roommate. There are birthday hats to go around and I bought Blake a special birthday treat. Is this overboard? Yes. It is necessary? Absolutely. Is this one of the reasons I start to wonder if I've truly lost my mind? Yes. But, it's okay.

It's okay that I haven't stopped listening to the new Taylor Swift CD all week. Really, though...listening at work, in the car, at the gym....I can't turn it off and want to twirl everytime "Holy Ground" comes on.

It's okay that it's only 11:38 a.m. and I'm already mentally checked out at work. What? I'm going bowling tonight with The Dog Whisperer and can't wait to show off my skills....or I can't wait to drink and attempt to bowl. Either way, it's going to be fun!

It's okay to stop overthinking everything and just go with it.

It's okay to take a random Tuesday off work just to go to breakfast with a sweet boy and shop for your puppy's birthday celebration. Totally worth every vacation hour spent.

It's okay to have random moments where you feel so alive, and so happy, and so happy to be living your life that you laugh and cry at the same time and and you kind of never want the moment to end.

On that note, I hope you all have a more than okay Thursday. xoxo


  1. I am also listing to T.Swift. On repeat.

  2. I need to buy the Taylor Swift CD asap. I'm sure my husband won't appreciate it playing in our car 24/7, but oh well! New follower via the link up! Stop by and say hello. :)


  3. It's so hard to stop thinking so much!! I don't have the power, but I need to try.

    Stopping by from It's OK Thursday.

    Quirktastic Adventures

  4. Newest follower here! I found you through the Thursday link up! Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!
