Monday, May 13, 2013

Birthday Weekend Recap & My Birthday List

Happy Monday everyone! I have lots to tell you about after spending the weekend celebrating my 27th birthday and Mother's Day. It was a jam-packed weekend full of family and was just wonderful. As I do every year, I also have my annual birthday list to share!

First, let me tell you about Saturday. My birthday was on Sunday and not wanting to take away from Mother's Day celebrations, I decided to celebrate on Saturday. Instead of stressing myself out trying to plan a dinner and night out with friends and family, we decided to host a BBQ at Jonathan's house to celebrate my birthday. This way, whoever wanted to come could come and I wouldn't have to stress about making reservations and planning a night out. It was the perfect plan in my book. 

My parents, Jonathan's entire family, my siblings, my best friend, Taryn and tons of our friends showed up and it was such a blast. This was the first time our families were spending some time together and it was also Jonathan's first time meeting my best friend. Most importantly, our families hit it off perfectly and Jonathan and Taryn get along great. Having all of my favorite people in one place made me one happy girl. 

Jonathan gave me the absolute perfect gift...a key to his house. I've been spending most weekends there and have really come to consider it home. Giving me my own key was such a sweet gesture and I couldn't be happier with where we're at in our relationship.

So glad to have my momma there!
Best friend meets boyfriend.
After a long day of celebrating, we were ready for bed.
Sunday, after spending as long as possible snuggling Jonathan, I hit the rode for my parents' house for the day to celebrate Mother's Day. After going to lunch and getting in some quality time with my parents, I headed home to Jonathan's to enjoy the last bit of such a wonderful weekend. I couldn't be happier ending my birthday with a quiet night at home with my love.

And now, I bring you this year's birthday list. If you've been following along for a while, each year I come up with a different birthday list. My 25th birthday was a list of 25 lessons I've learned so far. For my 26th birthday, I came up with a birthday day bucket list. I kind of struggled coming up with a theme this year. I wanted to do 27 random acts of kindness, but didn't really get it planned out in time. I've been thinking a lot about how so many people my age freak out about getting older and it drives me nuts. I still feel so young and still feel like I have so much to learn and look forward to. Because of all this, I've decided to share a list of things I still need to learn. Here goes...I still don't know:

1.    How to dance (hey, just because I love to dance doesn’t mean I am good at it)
2.    My alcohol limits; when I need to stop drinking to avoid being a disaster
3.    CPR
4.    How to use a really nice camera
5.    How to go around making people smile all day and still pay my bills
6.    How to French or fishtail braid my own hair
7.    How to curl my own hair
8.    Okay, just how to do my hair in general
9.    The difference between hungry and bored
10.  How to leave the house without obsessively checking to make sure I turned off the straightener 
11.  How to cook eggs other than scrambled. Sunny side-up, omelets, over-easy, over-hard...I don't know how to do any of this successfully. 
12.  To speak my mind without worrying how people will react
13.  How to change a tire
14.  How to relax
15.  To have more patience 
16.  How to fold a fitted sheet 
17.  How to give a toast without crying
18.  How to argue without getting upset
19.  How to check my oil
20.  How to stop throwing a bunch of random crap in my purse. The other day I had two forks in my purse. Completely unnecessary. 
21.  How to get my dog and Jonathan's cat to get along
22.  How to get Blake more well-trained
23.  How to leave for work without driving back home to make sure I shut the garage door
24.  How to "do" my make up aside from the basic mascara and eye liner I wear most days
25.  How to pack more efficiently. I don't need 12 shirts for one weekend at Jonathan's, honestly.
26.  How to get mad. When I get mad, I just get sad and sometimes that doesn't help.
27.  How to do a cartwheel 
I've learned so much about myself and life in the last few years and I know there are still so many lessons to learn. I can't wait to see what wonderful things this year will bring. Cheers to 27 years!

Linking up with Sami for Weekend Shenanigans!


  1. I love this list!! ,minus the tire and oil, I say no way to all things car related! :) and a key to the boys house? Big bug big weekend!! Happy belated birthday girlfriend!

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