Wednesday, May 4, 2016

28 Weeks

We're officially in our third trimester! I would tell you this doesn't make me panic at all but that would big a huge lie. My panic has nothing to do with the fact that in 12 weeks (or less) I'll be having a baby, but more to do with the fact that it finally hit me how quickly time is flying by and I still feel like there is a lot to do between now and Emma's arrival. I've been relatively cool, calm and collected about everything but last Tuesday at my doctor appointment, the doctor asked if I'd pre-registered at the hospital yet. I said no and kind of looked at him in a panic. To make me feel better, he said we have plenty of time but that only made me more certain we don't have plenty of time. "Plenty of time" is what we said when we were 8 weeks or 12 weeks pregnant. I don't feel like 12 weeks or less is plenty of time and this is when I officially started to panic.

I went home from my appointment and started listing all the things we needed to do/schedule/organize/figure out before the baby and then I looked in the nursery which is in a state of chaos still because Jonathan is in the slow process of putting together the million pieces that is a dresser/changing table. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry this day. I think I'm more concerned because Jonathan's busy season at work is already in full swing so I feel like time with him to get things done is going to minimal here. I know trying to coordinate all of the things we want/need to do with his work schedule is going to be challenging and it's safe to say I worked myself into a little bit of a meltdown. Have I mentioned I feel like in the last week or so my emotions have become completely unhinged? Oh yes, because they certainly have.

The good news is that I know we'll get it all taken care of and knowing I'll be holding a sweet baby girl in my arms just 3 months from now makes me forget about our to do list. I've enjoyed this pregnancy so much and I know despite feeling a little overwhelmed (and a lot emotional), I'm going to enjoy these last few months.

How far along: 28 weeks

Baby is the size of a: large eggplant

Gender: girl

Due date: July 26, 2016

Name: Emma Joy

Symptoms: I have to admit I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable. It's really just my lower back but it's incredibly sore at all times. I'm sure this will only get worse and if that's my biggest complaint it's all good, but my goodness. Ouch. Otherwise, my ankles and feet have been swollen on occasion which is really cute...haha. It's also already 90 degrees in Orlando which I'm actually dealing okay with right now. As my bump expands and the temperatures rise, though, I fear there will be days in the near future I'll absolutely dread stepping outside and popsicles will need to be on hand at all times.

Cravings: Nothing in particular, actually. No aversions, either! I haven't had a huge appetite for dinner and I'm still snacking on pickles quite a bit, but that's about it.

Appointments: We've reached the point where I'm seeing the doctor every two weeks now. I think we'll have one more ultrasound around 36 weeks, which I'm sure will be here before I know it!

Looking forward to: Our weekend trip to Tampa to celebrate my 30th birthday/our babymoon and my baby shower the weekend after that! When I received my shower invitation in the mail a few weeks ago, I sat in the driveway and cried the happiest tears because I already know my sisters and momma are throwing me the most perfect shower and I can't wait to celebrate with them.

Recent memorable moments: One of Jonathan's clients gave us a huge box of children's books we need to go through and select a few for baby Emma. In the meantime, Jonathan has been reading to me and Emma and I can't get enough of it. He chooses Cat in the Hat every single time but I don't care because I could listen to him read the newspaper to our baby and it would be the sweetest thing in the world.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the nursery come together here soon and organizing all of baby's necessities as we get them. Even now as I fold tiny onesies and burp cloths, I feel so overwhelmed by this huge blessing that's about to enter our lives.


  1. Oh, goodness, our doctor gave us the info for hospital registration a MONTH ago and told us we needed to pick a pediatrician before we could turn in the forms! So yesterday, we met with a pediatrician, and she said she usually doesn't see new parents this early! HA! I realized I'd felt behind for no reason. I haven't had any swelling, but I am HOT. Geez. I don't know how you're handling it!

    1. Haha wow! I guess most of us feel like we are way behind on everything even though we know it will all come together in plenty of time for baby :) I am seriously concerned about how I'm going to feel come July when it's 100 degrees down here!
