Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Someday I Will...

Happy Wednesday! I had every intention of linking up for Wedding Wednesday today, but then The Daily Tay announced her "Someday I Will..." link-up and that sounded like a better idea.

The Daily Tay 

Someday I will successfully wake up at 5 a.m. for the gym for more than 3 days in a row.

Someday I will be a mother and I absolutely can't wait.

Someday I will volunteer at least once a month.

Someday I will stop quoting Friends on a daily basis. Just kidding..that's not gonna happen.

Someday I will figure out how to use a curling iron.

Someday I will finally start watching Breaking Bad.  

Someday I will attend a Red Sox game at Fenway Park.

Someday I will marry the man of my dreams...and that day is just 65 days from now.

Someday I will learn to be more patient.

Someday I will learn to sit still after I finish polishing my nails long enough for them to dry.

Someday I will write something that gets published.

What will you do someday? 


  1. Congratulations on your wedding in 65 days! I can't figure out the curling iron either, when I watch how hairdressers do it and then try it on myself it just turns into a big tangled mess, so sad =( haha

  2. Nice! I would also love to go to a Red Sox game, and starting Breaking Bad is on my to-do list too. I am so sick of not getting everyone's references!
    -Rachel @ With Love, Rachel
