Sunday, January 6, 2013

Smitten Kitten

I seem to be having a bit of trouble getting out of bed this morning afternoon. See, I've spent the last 36 hours with Jonathan and ever since he left this morning, I've just been sitting here basking in the peacefulness and joy I feel right now. 

On Friday night after discussing the fact that neither of us were seeing anyone else, we were laying in bed when he said, "So, are we exclusive then?" I obviously said yes and can't put into words how relieved I was to know that he wants what I want. Like everything else with us has been so far, this conversation was easy, natural and comfortable. We proceeded to spend the most delightfully relaxing weekend together shopping for a new dog bed for Blake, him helping me fix a few things around the house and cooking dinner together last night. The comfort and happiness I feel doing normal, everyday things with this man makes me feel so good about us.

I am absolutely smitten and so happy to say I am in a relationship that was so worth the wait.

I hope you are all having a fabulous Sunday, too! Enjoy what's left of the weekend!


  1. YAY! So glad you found someone that makes you happy and treats you right! I know you know as well as I do that those kind of boys sure are hard to find so definitely worth celebrating!

  2. Happy for you ! Those moments are the best one - enjoy them! & thanks for giving us single ladies the hope!
