Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Happy New Year Indeed

Happy new year! I know I'm a little behind the times on my New Year's post, but better late than never, right?

You see, I don't really love the idea of making New Year's resolutions. I can't explain why, but I usually shy away from it. This year, however, I would like to try and be less frantic. I want to stop trying to squeeze too many things into days I don't have time for them. I want to be more realistic about how long it will take me to get ready so I'm not always running late and therefore rushing around to get ready.

I was off to such a great start after spending a few fun and relaxing days in Jacksonville last weekend for my cousin's wedding. I had all day on NYE to get things done (i.e. go to the gym, take down the Christmas tree, make cheesecake filled strawberries, etc.) before heading over to Jonathan's NYE party. Unfortunately, I knew it would be a little unreasonable to attempt to squeeze in time for blogging that day. I would've ended up frantically trying to get a post up and in honor of my resolution, decided that a January 2nd post would have to do.

My weekend in Jacksonville was absolutely wonderful. We squeezed a lot of run and relaxation into just two days. My cousin's wedding was simple and absolutely beautiful.

Everyone is so happy :)
The wedding was in Jacksonville Beach.
Beautiful location!
Mom and I were basically twins that day :)
We got home late Sunday, just in time to get ready for a fun NYE at Jonathan's house. Ringing in the new year with Jonathan, his family/friends, my roomie/wife Natasha and even my sister and her boyfriend, was an absolute blast. I loved meeting and having fun with so many new people that night, but also having my best friend and sister with me for it.

A few weeks ago, I never would have expected to be celebrating a new year with a new (and wonderful!) man. As I typed this, a memory from last NYE flashed through my mind. I was at a party with my boyfriend at the time and as the crowd counted down the seconds to midnight, I couldn't find him anywhere. I hardly found him in time to kiss at midnight. This year, my boyfriend announced to the whole party that I was going to be his first kiss of 2013. He was so cute and so proud to be telling everyone this. He put down the mic and ran over to me with plenty of time to spare. It was so silly and adorable. I don't mean to be overly cheesy, but I haven't been with someone so proud to be with me in a very, very long time. Let's just say my midnight kiss was full of hope, excitement and lots of sparks.

The night consisted of lots of dancing, more kisses and at one point, me drinking vodka straight out of the bottle. If that night is any indication, 2013 is going to be full of joy and love.
Smitten :)
the ladies!
I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating the new year! Here's to a joyful 2013!


  1. oohhh he is a cutie! and sweet? i didn't think single guys like that existed anymore!

  2. he is super cute and y'all are a gorgeous couple! love that blue dress on you!

  3. happy new year!! your new years kiss experience sounds like something from a movie-- glad you are so happy and what a fun way to start a new year!

    i'm not really one to set new years resolutions either...just some things i would like to do. that way i dont feel like a failure at the end of the year ha

  4. I love the color of the dress you wore for the wedding, so pretty!

  5. Sounds like a great NYE and a very sweet boyfriend! Hope you have a very happy new year!
