Friday, May 6, 2011

Why I Loved This Week

This week has been productive, fun and relaxing. After a few wild weeks, I kind of feel like I have things under control, which is good seeing as how the next few weeks are probably going to be nuts. Here are a few of the highlights…

  • I finally spent some quality time by myself at home. I’ve been such a busy bee/party animal lately, I was starting to feel like I was never home. My house needed cleaning, my DVR was almost full and I needed some major down time. Over the last year or so, I’ve really come to value my alone time, so I’m really glad I forced myself to relax a little this week.
  • We had our fourth kickball game last night. I had to miss last week for a work function, so I couldn’t wait! To recap: We lost 11-3, the really cute umpire (if that’s what you call them in kickball) was flirting with me, we had beer and jello shots in the dugout and I even got on base once, which is a huge accomplishment! I’m so glad I made the decision to join. Our team is a really fun group of people, most of whom I didn’t know before the season, and it’s a nice break from whatever I have going on during the week. I’m obviously not much of an athlete and we rarely win, but it’s a blast!
So nothing too crazy this week, but that was nice for a change. With my 25th birthday, a trip to the beach with my girls and a trip to Minnesota for a wedding coming up, this month is shaping up to be nothing short of amazing! Life is good J


  1. I'm glad to hear that you had such a good week! And I'm especially glad that the boy decided to get his head outta his bum and make an effort. It's a nice start! :) Have a great weekend!

  2. i'm glad that you are taking things one day at a time, sometimes, it's all we can do.
