Friday, February 25, 2011


One thing you may not know about me is that I don't just like something. If I really like something, I go all out and it becomes an obsession for a short while. Here are the current ones....

Menchie's Frozen Yogurt. I'm obsessed and the only thing stopping me from visiting this place several times a week is the fact that there isn't a location near my house, which is probably better off. Love it.

This song. It's called Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band. Absolutely obsessed and secretly hoping someone dedicates this song to me someday :)

Words With Friends. I've been waiting for this game to be available on my Android since the day I got it. It's finally here and I am hooked. I have about 10 games going on at all times. Let's play....AmandaLynn512 :)

My cowboy boots. I've had these for about a year and have only worn them a few times. I made the executive decision about a week ago that I am going to incorporate these into my wardrobe at least once a week. They make me happy and I feel like I could take over the world when I wear them. 

Quaker Oatmeal Squares. Healthy and absolutely delicious = perfection!

That is all. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. I absolutely LOVE that song by EYB! And I'm also addicted to Words with Friends, haha! :) Even though I've just started following you, I see a lot of similarities in us, especially with the whole going from liking something to being obsessed with it in 2.4 seconds. And also with the crazy, over analyzing, over thinking, worrying thing with guys. It's nice to know you aren't alone out there! :)

  2. Sounds like I have a blog twin out there! :) I'm glad you like the blog...I'm looking forward to keeping up with yours, too!

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