Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Introducing…The Umpire

Things are happening faster than I could possibly blog about them. I need to get to bed so I can get up at 5:30 a.m. and work out, but I MUST fill you in on the complete turn of events in my love life over the last two weeks. You might remember when I mentioned the umpire I was flirting with at my kickball game a few weeks ago. If you don’t remember, I mentioned it here. Well I didn’t think much of it, but just a few days later, he had tracked me down on Facebook. I was shocked when I got his message. Laughing because it sure as hell wasn't my sweet kickball skills that sparked his interest. We chatted a bit and ended up making plans to get drinks that weekend.

That Sunday, I met up with The Umpire for a few drinks. We ended up talking for hours, being the last to leave the bar. My first impression was that he isn’t my normal type. He has earrings, a tattoo, has a motorcycle, and is into racing cars…not like anyone I had ever dated before. None of that seemed to matter as I sat there getting to know him that night. He has an amazing smile, is really easy to talk to, owns his own company, he is really sweet and considerate and has his feet on the ground. Since I met him less than two weeks ago, he has taken me out for my birthday, invited me to his softball games, celebrated my birthday with my friends, sisters and brother, introduced me to his closest friends and has been completely open with how he feels about me.

I’m trying to take it one day at a time and get to know him, but I can’t help thinking about how funny life is. Things happen when you least expect them and I am constantly amazed by that.

There are so many fun things going on that I want to tell you all about. I had an amazing birthday full of fun, have a girl’s beach trip coming up this weekend and my cousin’s wedding in Minnesota next weekend. I might have to do one huge post to tell you about all that fun when it’s all over!

Hope everyone is having a happy week!


  1. yay yay yay! sounds like things are definitely looking up. that is exactly how someone should treat you ! he seems like a great guy..... ya just never know where you'll meet someone i guess!

  2. as his namesake says, i think the umpire is THE ONE who makes the calls, and the way you described him, he pretty much fits the bill. the red sox fan, well, a fan is usually a bystander. hahaha yay for you! just enjoy all the good things that are happening in your life right now.
