Monday, March 6, 2017

Emma Joy: 7 Months Old

Emma Joy,

Happy 7 months, sweet girl! We are having so much fun with you as you continue to discover the world around you and interact with us more and more.

You officially have two bottom teeth making your big smile extra adorable lately! You can sit up on your own for longer periods of time now and you've been babbling like crazy which is pretty much the best sound in the world. You're discovering just how loud you can squeal, usually doing this as we make our way through the grocery store. Speaking of the grocery store, since you're sitting up so well, you've been sitting in the cart instead of your car seat while we shop for the past few weeks.

You don't ever want to miss a thing, always observing and taking in the world around you. Snuggles with you are few and far between these days because when you're being held, you're squirming, grabbing and diving to grab whatever is nearby. I started bringing you to the gym with me this month and you're doing great in the childcare center. They love you there and thankfully, you don't mind being there at all while mommy works out. We started giving you a sippy cup a few weeks ago and you are slowly figuring out what the deal is there. So far, you mostly just chew on it and you're really good at throwing it on the floor!

You're 15 lbs, 12.5 ounces and 27" long. You're still in size 2 diapers and wearing mostly 6 month size clothes but believe it or not, you still fit into a few 3 month sized outfits!

You love getting kisses from Abby (and pulling Abby's hair), playing with your toes, playing with your hair when you're sleepy, you still love when mommy sings to you and your face lights up when daddy walks through the door after work every day. We love reading to you before bed, one of us reading while you dive at the book and try to grab at every page. When we lay you in your crib each night, you still smile up at us and squeal while we pray over you. I savor these simple, joyful moments with you and your daddy.

Every day is so much fun with you, Emmy Joy! We love you!