Four weeks, baby, FOUR WEEKS! Just 4 weeks until our due date! Baby Emma is the size of a honeydew melon and me, well I'm the size of a house. Kidding...kinda. I'm definitely feeling large and quite uncomfortable but that's to be expected at this stage of the game. It could be really easy to let the exhaustion, swollen feet, heartburn and discomfort make me miserable right now and trust me, some days I cope better than others, but I'm really trying to focus on the excitement of what's next and spending a lot of time reflecting on the last 8 months.
As of this week, we have the car seat in the car and I'm just about finished getting our hospital bag packed. I've been procrastinating on the hospital bag so I promised myself we wouldn't leave for my parents' house this weekend without having it completely packed and with us. I still have a few more items on our to do list than I'd like to have right now - I still need to sanitize bottles and whatnot and we haven't hung anything on the walls in the nursery yet so those are my priorities for next week. I have such high hopes of doing all the things after work but that is often not how my evenings turn out. Speaking of, next week is my last week of work and I'm really looking forward to having some time at home to relax and enjoy some downtime before Emma arrives.
I'm really hoping at my appointment tomorrow the doctor can give me some insight on what's going on with baby right now or at least schedule an ultrasound for next week. I have no idea if she's dropped yet or anything and while I do feel like her movements have been different in the last day or so, I'm dying to know if she's at least in position yet.
We're becoming more and more aware that one day very soon we'll be going about our business and next thing you know, we'll be heading to the hospital to have a baby. It's such a surreal feeling to know life is going to change so dramatically so very soon. We're really excited about what's to come but making sure we enjoy these last few weeks of peace and anticipation!