Friday, May 22, 2015

A Few Things on Friday

Hello and happy Friday :) 

I really wish I had brilliant thoughts or stories to share but apparently a week of hospital visits, surgery, pain meds and sleep, lots of sleep - doesn't provide much in the way of riveting blog material. 

The good news is that my 2nd kidney stone procedure of the week went well yesterday. They were able to blast the stone and break it up so I can pass it. I'm still a little uncomfortable but I'm hopeful today is my last day of being confined to laying around all day. 

On that note, I do have a few random thoughts to share. 

One. As a result of all this down time, I've become hooked on Parenthood. How am I just now discovering how great this show is? 

Two. I think it goes without saying that I've felt like quite a hot mess lately but having my nails polished always makes me feel somewhat like I have it together. This color has been my jam lately. 

Three. Someone tweeted this yesterday and it really spoke to me. It's a miracle if I don't screw up an omelet. 

Four. I don't have anything planned for the long weekend and i just feel like that's not okay after last weekend was such a bust. I've just been so busy living it up in bed all week I forgot to make some plans. Oops. 

Five. Between my birthday and the kidney stone invasion this last week, we've had an abundance of sunflowers in our home thanks to sweet family and friends. I have to say having my favorite flowers all around the house has been a delight. 

And I think that's a good note to end on. Cheers to sunflowers and sunshine and all good things this weekend.